Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Amazon in any medium

Jason Merkowski's new book "Burning the Page" is where you should be able to read all about Amazon. Except it's not exactly a tell-all, according to BookBusiness. And there are no inside scoops. Instead, and in my mind, so much better, you get an ex-executive who still knows that books are special, in any medium. Here are some of the sentences, according to Laura Hazard Owen writing for Paid Content: “Books are priceless,” “Books can inspire us toward greatness,” “Books hold the repository of human knowledge, and then some,” “Reading is an act of bathyspheric descent into the depths of an inky-black ocean,” “For me, it really is about books. They’re not commodities, but soulful voices that actually speak to you”. In my book, well said Jason Merkowski.

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