Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I went to see Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby on opening day. Oddly enough, my parents who are halfway across the country from me did the same exact thing, and we both had no idea until the next day. While comparing our experiences, we came to a couple of realizations. My dad noted that his movie theatre was packed, and he realized that every single person in the theatre had probably been forced required to read F. Scott Fitzgerald's, The Great Gatsby, in high school. Heck, I had to read it in high school and college (much more enjoyable read in college). So, you have to love Luhrmann's emphasis on "visual splendor" as RottenTomatoes.com puts it, as well the addition of his interpretation of what was really happening with Gatsby and Daisy between the lines. It's Luhrmann's creation inspired by F. Scott Fitzgerald's book, "old sport".
The other realization we came to, is that Nick Carraway can be a great metaphor for where we are between the physical and digital world right now. Nick is a man who is both inside and outside everyone's world. He is not fully in Gatsby's new money world, nor is he in Daisy and Tom's old money world. Just like we are flirting with our love of the physical book, and enticed by the glamour and laid back style of the new digital world. What is going to happen?

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