Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I love this video for several reasons. First, as with most things on the web, it is time-stamped 2007. This type of explanatory video was all the rage in 2007. Second, it explains RSS very, very well. At the heart of this video is an illustration with someone sitting at a computer and two boxes to the right, one marked "blogs" and the other marked "news" and the moderator explains by arrows from the person at the computer to the boxes that the OLD way of finding out what is new in the "blogs" and the "news" sources was to reach out to them and search them.

Then he says brilliantly, but the NEW way can be explained by turning those arrows around so they point from the "blogs" box and the "news" box to the person at the computer. In other words, RSS automatically sends you the new "blogs" and "news."

In my book, turning those arrows around explains everything from RSS to the web in general to KNOWLEDGE. As strange as it seems knowledge, which used to come from outside of us from the larger world, now comes from inside of us (where the larger world really is and always has been). That doesn't sound workable in today's world, but it's true. Knowledge is more and more what we say it is not what ANY external authority says it is.

Watch it yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU.

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